The start of the new academic year is an exciting time and many international students will be using the first few weeks to get to grips with a whole new academic way of life. Even if foreign students have grasped English well enough to gain entry to a British university, they still face the obstacle of embracing a new culture and study style.

International students can feel frustrated, confused or out of their depth when facing not only a new country but a whole new way of life. Should universities be doing more to help foreign students bridge this culture gap? Read on for some tips on what to expect at a UK university and ideas on how to settle into university life more quickly as an international student.


New study methods for international students

Methods of study in British universities may not always be similar to study habits in other countries.

Foreign students have to adapt to different ways of researching, using the library, engaging in seminars, using textbooks, studying in groups and independently, attending lectures, taking exams, writing essays and taking part in discussion.

All of these types of learning and study methods can be different from those in a student’s home country. The new ways of learning can be confusing to international students.

Attitudes to all areas of study and teaching can vary widely. And in this confusing context, what does it mean to be a good student?


University life in the UK

International students would benefit from more in depth inductions into university life in Britain and what will be expected of them in their studies. Lectures and seminar formats can be so different that they can feel quite intimidating.

Students may be wondering: how much contribution is expected in seminar? Is any contribution welcome in lectures? How much independent study is expected before both? There are countless other questions that often go unaddressed.

In English universities, seminars are usually intended as a discussion group, so do ask questions and get involved.

In contrast with seminars, lectures are normally more formal in structure and it is the lecturer who will do most of the talking. You will know the topic of each lecture beforehand, so you can read about the themes, but you will not normally be asked to contribute.

Seminars are much more interactive. It is recommended that you study the topic before each seminar because you will be expected to contribute to the discussion.

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International student societies

English language proficiency is a primary concern for international students, but so too are all other areas of student life, such as living arrangements, general lifestyle expectations and study habits.

Cultural differences can often lead to feelings of alienation and loneliness. This is why it is important for international students to talk to someone if they are feeling the effects of culture shock. It is usually the case that there are many other people feeling exactly the same way.


There are international societies available at most universities to offer help and guidance about settling into a new environment. You can find others from your own home country at various international society events and this is a great way to make new friends.

As an international student, getting involved with the international society at your university is an excellent way to meet others in exactly the same position as you. It can be a great place to share your thoughts and experiences in a supportive environment.

Make friends with home students too

Although spending time with other international students is a great way to settle into university, it is also important that international students mix with home students – this is one of the best ways to feel ‘at home’.

Home students will be able to help you ‘find your feet‘ in the UK by helping you navigate through the strange trappings of a brand new culture. It is also great for home students to make friends with international students and learn about different cultures and how the university lifestyle differs around the world.

UK students will most likely be excited at the opportunity to help you settle in and to perhaps even learn some of your own native language.

English-speaking students can help international students with English language usage, especially when it comes to English humour and English idioms and slang!

Ways to combat homesickness 

One of the most important aspects of university life for an international student is to join in activities and take part in whatever is happening on campus. This can relieve any feelings of loneliness as you become part of university life.

Homesickness can always be a problem for anyone living away from family and friends. To combat this, students should acknowledge their experience can be a valuable and positive time in their life, which will bring lots of exciting new opportunities.

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Another way to avoid feelings of sadness or loneliness is to continue with all your interests – go to the gym, keep playing your instruments, go to music concerts and the cinema.

Find out how you can engage with your favourite hobbies in your new environment.

You could join a book club, film society, drama group, play on the football team or try a new sport – do anything you enjoy.

Settling into university life

At the start of the academic year you can go to the Freshers’ Fair, where there will be lots of interesting societies and clubs to join. It is certainly a great idea to join the International Students’ Society – you might even find a group specifically for students from your home country.

Ask at the union about opportunities to get involved in various activities. You might be able to work on the student newspaper or help with the campus radio station.

If you are looking for ways to help your finances, you could ask about working part-time at the library, sports centre or cafe, in the university bookshop or behind the bar in the union.

Are you currently an international student?

If you are a current international student studying in the UK (or another English-speaking country), we would love to hear from you.

Which areas of university life did you find most difficult to adjust to? Did you find any areas of culture overwhelming or strange?

What advice would you give other international students coming to the UK to study this year?

Do you think universities do enough to help international students bridge the culture gap?

What else could universities do to improve the experience for new international students?

Share your thoughts in the comments!

How Can International Students Bridge the Culture Gap?

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