Keyboard - Editing non-native English Our non-native English proofreading and editing service is designed to help non-native English writers with their written communication at any level to ensure absolute fluency.

Our aim is to help non-native English writers overcome nuance of the language barrier so that the text communicates your message clearly in perfect English.


What to expect from our proofreading and editing service

Our proofreading and editing service will check your text for correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, vocabulary, flow and audience-appropriate style.

We can edit all types of text at every level, including academic text, business copy and personal communications.

From thousands of words to one paragraph, no editing job is too big or too small.

You might be a beginner in the English language and need a clear and simple summary of a difficult text. Perhaps you are an advanced non-native English speaker who needs your writing fine-tuned for a specific audience. Whatever your editing needs, we can help.


Non-native English editing for academic text

Academic writing can be particularly troublesome for non-native English speakers because academic style demands can be very different from regular English.

If you are a teacher or student with English as your second language, we can proofread and edit your writing so that it flows perfectly and reads as native English. We can also help with academic referencing.

Non-native English editing for business

Using English at work and in business communications can be a daunting prospect for non-native English speakers.

Our non-native English proofreading and editing service can help you to express your ideas in English in a clear, appropriate and business-specific way.

We can edit your web content, sales letters, reports and business presentations so they flow in perfect English.


Get in touch to discuss your editing project

Your English language skills need not let you down at work, in your studies or in your personal life. Whatever your needs, our non-native English editing services can help you to write any text in perfect English.

Get in touch today with details of your editing requirements – and we’ll help you create perfect English.